Duhovka Elementary Admissions Process and Enrollment Requirements for School Year 2024/2025 for children who will be 6 years old by 31. 8. 2024.

What will it look like

  • Enrollment

The Enrollment in the First Grade is held on April 7-9, 2024 (Sunday-Tuesday) from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. (in case of a high number of parents interested that would exceed the allotted time in the morning, meetings will be held in the afternoon as well). All registered children will be divided into small groups (5-10) and invited to come to school at a specific time. During an approx. 60-minute-long session with our teachers, the child will be assessed in terms of his or her school readiness and basic skills. Should the teachers register any significant manifestations of school unreadiness, they will recommend examination at a pedagogical and psychological counseling center on the basis of which the child’s start of the compulsory school attendance can be postponed.

  • Application form

Before enrolment, please send us a completed application form signed by a legal guardian and a photo of your child. Once downloaded to your computer, the application is editable.

Applications for the 1st year can be sent from 21 November 2023.

Everyone who has sent a preliminary application to the school, delivered no later than 24 March 2024 (by e-mail to info@duhovkaskola.cz or to the school's address) will be invited to the enrollment.


  • Meeting with parents

The condition of admission is an individual meeting of the child's parents with the school director and one of the owners of the school. The purpose of the interview is to make sure that the educational services that our school offers are identical with the parents’ requirements, and to verify suitability of the school education program for the child. The meeting will take place before the date of Enrollment.

Admission process 
to Grade 1

Parents will receive the result of the admission process in the form of a proposal of acceptance or a decision not to admit a child within 5 working days after the Enrollment via email. At the same time, the results are published on the school’s website (under the children’s number codes). The admission decision will be issued when the contract is signed, 30 days after the Enrollment at the latest. The decision not to admit a child is hand delivered by post to the legal guardians.

Should there be any spots left or become available later on, parents whose child placed next in the order of applicants will be contacted with regard to a proposal of acceptance immediately.

Admission of Children to Grade 2-5

The admissions process to an upper grade begins at a time when a space becomes available in a class. This is mostly the case at the end of the school year, or in the mid-term. Since the school is currently full at capacity, the admission of children during the school year is very exceptional.

Those applying for admission of the child to an upper grade submit their applications any time during the year (however, for the next school year not earlier than mid-November of the previous year). By filing the application the child is ranked on the waiting list. The rank affects the admission only partially, another criterion is the result of the test school stay, which the child must undergo usually for the period of one week. The test school stay is agreed upon by the school and the parents at a time when a space becomes available. The purpose of the test school stay is to check whether our form of education is suitable for the child, while also checking their basic English skills and their ability to communicate correspondingly to the respective year (the upper the year, the more important the ability to communicate with the English teacher for the overall mastery of the subject). The last condition for the admission of the child is a personal meeting of both parents with representatives of the school management.

Admission to an upper grade is usually a transfer from an elementary school (be that a child attending school in our country or abroad). As regards the elementary school in the Czech Republic, the parents will inform it about the transfer only in the case of the admission of the child to Duhovka. Documentation concerning the child shall be sent by the current school to the new school based on an official request by us confirming that the child has really started attending our school.


Signature of the contract

Signature of the contract for provision of educational services between the school and the child's legal guardian within 30 days of having received the proposal of acceptance from the school director via email (signature of the contract is a condition of the child's acceptance).