Templates I. OP JAK for Duhovka School
As part of call No. 02_22_002 Templates for Kindergarten and Primary School I, we are implementing the following project from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2025
Project name: Templates I. OP JAK for ZŠ Duhovka
Project number: CZ.02.02.XX/00/22_002/0007181
The aim of the project is to provide temporary personnel support and strengthen the positions of a school special pedagogue, a school psychologist, a career counselor and a bilingual assistant, all for the purpose of maximally developing the potential of the school's pupils. At the same time, there will be support for pupils with a different mother tongue in the form of tutoring and further education activities for teaching staff with the aim of supporting their professional growth.

O2 Project Smart School
Duhovka Elementary School was granted a total of CZK 86.150 from the O2 Foundation through the O2 Smart School grant program for 2023.
The goal of the project is to equip all groups of the school community with basic entry competences needed for safe movement in cyberspace and thus set the necessary entry level for further development in this area throughout the school.
To fulfill this goal, we want:
- to implement educational programs for individual target groups
- to create a new curriculum for informatics with the inclusion of topics supporting the further development of the aforementioned competences (ie with an emphasis on issues of safety, child protection, prevention of risky behavior, etc.)
- to include this topic in the school prevention program and in (in our school) standard communication between teachers, parents and pupils.
By connecting these activities, we will achieve that:
a) the topic of safe use of IT and movement in cyberspace will become significant and shared for all participants,
b) teaching and cooperation of partners in this area will become more effective thanks to the acquired knowledge and skills.

Supporting of Inclusion at Duhovka Elementary School II.
Project registration number: CZ.07.4.68/0.0/0.0/19_071/0001880
Implementation period: September 1, 2020 - November 30, 2022
The project is aimed at promoting an inclusive school environment through the implementation of the following activities - bilingual school assistant (support for children with different mother tongues), project-based learning with the participation of an external expert, thematic meetings with parents, community meetings and four-day internships abroad for teaching professionals.

The templates for Duhovka Elementary School co-financed by the European Union
Within the framework of the Call No. 02_18_064 Templates II - for the capital city of Prague, we are implementing the following project from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2021
Project name: Templates II. for Duhovka Elementary School
Project number: CZ.02.3.X/0.0/0.0/18_064/0015796
The aim of the project is to provide temporary staff support to the school special educator and at the same time to develop activities leading to the deepening of pedagogical cooperation in the field of joint education and project-based learning. At the same time, pupils at risk of school failure will be supported through the implementation of tutoring. All activities of the project are implemented to improve the quality of teaching and the results of pupils at Duhovka Elementary School.

Supporting of Inclusion at Duhovka Elementary School
Project name: Supporting inclusion at Duhovka Elementary School
Project registration number: CZ.07.4.68/0.0/0.0/17_045/0000655
Implementation period: September 1, 2018 - June 30, 2021
The project is aimed at promoting an inclusive school environment through the following activities:
- Bilingual school assistant (support for children with a different first language or children who have been abroad for a long time or children from bilingual families where the dominant language is not Czech),
- project-based learning with the participation of an external expert,
- thematic meetings with parents with the participation of an external expert,
- community educational meetings with the participation of an external expert.