
Jindřich Kitzberger
Jindřich Kitzberger

Running a school has always seemed to me to be an extremely meaningful and interesting job, but it is only at Duhovka that I have found an environment that provides the perfect conditions for building a truly modern school for the 21st century, an environment full of inspiring people and constant challenges, an environment free from unnecessary barriers and constraints, an environment wonderfully supportive of all children's learning.

My many years of experience in school and education system management, as well as my earlier encounters with wise people who have focused and are focusing on innovation and alternatives in education, have helped me in my work. And from the perspective of the last 10 years, it is a closer acquaintance with the Systemic Approach to work and life and, of course, Montessori pedagogy.
Deputy directors

Peter Lauritzen
Peter Lauritzen
head of after-school center

What I like about Duhovka
Our approach to children's upbringing and learning and the dedication of my colleagues in whatever function they have in the school is unique. And it makes me feel proud that I have a place and a share in all this. And it is not a closed case. We continue to develop, set new goals, find new ways...

What helps me in my work
After almost 36 years (by 1/8 2022!) of working in two countries as a teacher, school director, coach, consultant, družina teacher and head of družina & clubs at the end it boils down to the fact that my job in Duhovka lets me utilise two of my favorite things; my love for children and my interest in leadership. Being part of an organisation and a team, and helping driving these forward makes me thrive like a fish in water...

Michaela Paulová
Michaela Paulová
deputy director, grades 1-5

Duhovka is a great project that offers children an education for the 21st century. It combines a bilingual approach, modern pedagogical practices, Montessori pedagogy and children and teachers do not lose their spark and appetite for learning even after several years in education. Together with parents, Duhovka forms a team whose goal is to continuously push the quality of children's education not only within Duhovka institutions.

What helps me the most in my work at Duhovka is my education in elementary and Montessori pedagogy, systemic trainings for working with adults, experience from abroad and foreign schools, and my own experience as a parent raising my bilingual children.

Jiří Sadil
Jiří Sadil
deputy director, grades 6-9

Why I work at Duhovka
Duhovka is a living, ever-growing organism where everyone, children and adults alike, have the opportunity to develop and apply their ideas and learn many new things every day.

What helps me in my work
I try to use my professional education and my life experience when working in Duhovka. It is important to be open-minded and willing to continually move forward to improve my skills. The international environment and inspiring colleagues help me to see further and shape my vision of the world. I believe it helps me to be better at my job.